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+1 (809) 861-0079

Plaza Commercial Nr. 1

Центральный офис компании

Careterra Sosua - Cabarete KM 4, Sosúa 57000

Our Main Office at the famous Plaza Commercial Nr. 1 in Sosua, close to the Seahorse Ranch

Йенс Пидде

Hi iam Jens Pydde. I have over 30 years of experience dedicated to Real Estate and Development in the Dominican Republic, iam the Owner of Dominican Real Estate.

Хауке Пайдде

I am Hauke Pydde, I have over 20 years of experience in real estate in the Dominican Republic. My clients say that we provide the best property management and personalized customer service. Based in Sosua, clients also say that together with my brother, we are the main Home Realtors because we manage beachfront properties in Sosua and Cabarete.

Branch office

Plaza Bailees, Dr.Alejo Martinez, Sosúa 57000

Our Branch Office at the famous Sosua Inn Hotel in Sosua

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